which is in a kiss consume.
I do not know what I feel right now. or how I want things to be.
I only know that I'm fucking tired of how it is. It's the same show all the time.
It is boring.
you have to feed the fire to keep it alive. right?
Why doesent he understand? Why do I always have to take care of things, do things - think of things to do?
The worst thing is that I do not know where to start when Im going to tell him what I feel. Maybe I feel like that because I do not know what to say ... I do not know? ..
I just want go away for a while and come back when he has changed, or when everything is over ..
I can not stand the drama. So I'm bad at showing what I feel when there is a tendency towards it ..
I just wish that everything would be fine. life is hard enough anyway. But as they say. It can never be too easy to live ..
...Så det är väl bara att ta tjuren i hornen.